Matthew Brooker

Matthew Brooker
Matthew BrookerTDI Instructor #27869
Cave Camp Europe Team Member and Instructor

Matt started diving recreationally back in 1997 whilst serving with the British Armed forces. After leaving the the Armed forces in March of 2000 he continued with further diving education. After his first visit to Malta found that he had an interest in technical diving, starting out by taking the AdvNx & DecoPro course and progressing through the levels up to hypoxic trimix on the SF2 eCCR and then venturing into diving in overhead environments becoming full cave, stage cave, dpv cave, ccr cave etc. Matt now dives on three different CCR units – the SF2 eCCR, the XCCR and also the Kiss SideWinder mCCR

Initially reluctant to go down the instructor route as ‘diving was for fun not work’ Matt started the instructor journey and hasn’t looked back since. Starting out as DM and OWSI and working through the local dive centres and as an independant instructor.  Matt decided to then cross over to SDI as this was the logical route to advancing in his chosen direction of becoming a TDI instructor.

Now teaching exclusively with SDI / TDI on both open and closed circuit as well as offering overhead environment training. Matt owns/runs ‘Learn to Cave Dive’ – Why not check it out to find out more.

Matt’s other passion is cave diving photography. A majority of the pictures on this website are taken by him. But if you want to check out some more of his work take a look at ‘MattB Photography’ –

Photo Credits: Laurent Miroulet and Jeroen Bijmans